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What is SeQuaiA?

SeQuaiA is a tool with a graphical interface for the semi-quantitative analysis of chemical reaction networks. A chemical reaction network is given to SeQuaiA in a user-friendly way. The core functionality of SeQuaiA revolves around computing an abstraction of the continuous-time stochastic system induced by the chemical reaction network and the analysis of such abstraction. Further, SeQuaiA offers a variety of tools to visualize and study the system. The user can run mean simulations to reveal typical behaviors of the system and plot the trajectories and distributions.

What problem does SeQuaiA address?

Chemical reaction networks (CRNs) play a fundamental role in analysis and design of biochemical systems. They induce continuous-time stochastic systems, whose analysis is a computationally intensive task. This is often due to stochasticity, stiffness or multimodal population distributions. SeQuaiA approaches these challenges, by focusing on qualitative description of the behaviour and aims at quantitative precision only in orders of magnitude.

For the theory, please refer to the publications.